HOMEMADE LIMONCELLO – FAST RECIPE – If you were wondering how to make the best and fastest homemade alcohol that will be ready for use in just 24 hours then look no further 🙂
- 250 ml/8½ fl oz rectified spirit
- 250 ml/8½ fl oz water
- 3 lemons
- 100 g/½ cup sugar
- Peel the yellow part of the skin from all three lemons. Take a small pot and pour the water inside. Add sugar and peels, then bring it to boil. Then, put the pot aside to cool down.
- When the water cools down, fish out the lemon peels or run it through a strainer, then add rectified spirit to it.
- Squeeze out the juice from lemons and pour it into the mixture. Mix everything well, then funnel it to a bottle or jar with sealed lid. Put aside in a cold place, for example fridge, for at least 24 hours.
Tutaj znajdziecie przepis w języku polskim: https://przepisyjoli.com/2017/11/cytrynowka-blyskawiczna-idealny-przepis-kuchnia-joli/

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